In SASUKE 32, he failed at the Flying Bar when he ran the obstacle in bad weather.
His job is to catch his somersaulting partners in the air, but a few nights ago he also caught a flying bar in the mouth.
His strength was sapped for the next obstacle, the Flying Bar, where he failed the first transition after the bar did not reach the second set of rungs.
Much of the backstage area is still fully manual, allowing it to retain the tag of a traditional hemp house, though powered flying bars have now been installed to allow large scale productions.
No one defeated Stage 3, but Brian Arnold fell on the last obstacle, the Flying Bar, making him the farthest-going American on the Mount Midoriyama course since Kane Kosugi reached the final stage on SASUKE 8.
The two lines come down to earth and terminate at an either a " flying bar " ( a bar with spools at either end ) or a special two-spool reel which incorporated a ratchet mechanism to assist in equalizing line length.
How to say flying bar in Hindi and what is the meaning of flying bar in Hindi? flying bar Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by